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How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012


Showing an interest in becoming a vegetarian can be the start of a new healthy lifestyle, that can lead to a better diet, smarting thinking, and promote positive energy in your life. If this is your first time learning about vegetarianism or kind of have an idea what it is, you have come to the right place. This free guide has everything you need to know about becoming a healthy vegetarian and how leaving your meat eating habits behind, can make you and this world, a better place.

When most people think of a vegetarian, they think of a person that is from another planet. Vegetarians have not been very respected in this world. Why? because most of us were raised eating meat, and eating meat was said to us, that it was good for you, so why are we breaking the chain? There are several reasons why people become vegetarians, some are because of animal cruelty, others because of health reasons and some just because they want to try something new. Here you will learn why becoming a vegetarian is a smart choice and how you can live a regular life, just like a “meat” eater, when you become a vegetarian.

Becoming a vegetarian is more than just a change in diet, its a change in lifestyle. We have all heard the term “you are what you eat”, and its so true. The last time you went to McDonalds and ordered a Big Mac, Fries and a Coke, you most likely felt awful afterward, when you eat “dead” foods, you feel “dead”, with all your energy levels dropping and feeling bloated and tired. When you eat foods that are “alive” such as: fruits, vegetables, fresh pastas and legumes, you feel great afterwards and have a ton of energy.

Most meat eaters associate a vegetarian as person that only eats salad and vegetables for the rest of their life. That is one of the main reasons why most people don’t even think about becoming a vegetarian, give up steak! hot dogs! bacon! they feel as all the fun of eating will be taken away from them. Most of us know that a vegetarian diet is good for us, but we are afraid of losing our comfort foods and are scared of the unknown.

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