Why Breakfast Is Important


 Why It Is Important To Eat Breakfast



Studies show that eating breakfast everyday is important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Starting your day with a healthy breakfast will also make you less likely to eat high-calorie snacks during the morning. Eating a well balanced breakfast improves their intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals, especially iron and vitamin C; these nutrients are essential in a balanced diet. In fact, a good breakfast provides one-fourth to one-third of the day’s energy and nutrient needs. Most important is you get energy. Your body and brain need energy to function. Breakfast will provide you with energy in the form of calories to carry out your morning activities. Breakfast will boost your metabolism. Eating breakfast will kick start your metabolism, while skipping meals can cause your metabolism to drop.

healthy breakfast children

Studies showed that children who eat a healthy breakfast tend to show improved academic performance, longer attention span, better attendance and decreased hyperactivity in school. Skipping breakfast will often make your child feel tired, restless or irritable by mid-morning. By eating breakfast, your child will have energy throughout the morning and help him/her concentrate better in class. This also means fewer trips to the school nurse’s office.

So in conclusion, remember: “No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.”~ Bill Phillips



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